Monday, June 09, 2003

Nigerian Scammers and other Necromancers

Still wandering in search of progress yet....but today had a glimpse of its ugly cousin called lies and deceit. When I woke up this morning I was immediately confronted by a whole package of lies, albeit amusing lies in a perverse way. You know these lies well...the old Nigerian bank scam....something anyone who forages across the net, not to mention old experienced Knights like yourself, have had infinite experience of. Today, however, what was interesting was that I was informed in the email that my long lost relatives in Nigeria had been killed in a car accident and their lawyer (who miraculously tracked me down which is difficult given I am a wandering Knight) wanted to deposit the inheritance into my account. All I had to do was to give him my bank account details and I would be a very rich fellow. Now, firstly, being a wandering Knight, I don't have a bank account. I only work in gold pieces. Secondly, the lawyer wanted 40% for his assistance. I ask you? Such a large cut on top of the fact that I am currently grieving the loss of my long lost relatives who I only got to know today. Finally, money is of no worth to Knight, I seek my fortune in chivalry and acts of bravery. Anyway, I endeavoured, given the percentage of the deal, and the points I just made, to pass this tempting offer up. That said, I have a good mind to go and lop off the head of this so-called lawyerwith with my trusty sword called Leveller. Hence, Nigerian scammers have now made it onto my list of necromancers and I vow to seek them out and perform horrible medieval acts on them in revenge for their treachery. On the lighter side, I noticed this Knights approach to such scams and it lightened me up somewhat, see Conversations with Nigerian Scammers.